Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Another prayer

Here's a prayer I had ready to use on Sunday, but didn't, because we switched up our usual worship roles.

God of glory, God of grace,

You are truly a God of epiphanies, of aha moments, of moments when our world turns upside down and we are forever changed. You show up in the most unlikely of places, including the desert, the mouth of a donkey, and most recently, in a feeding trough in Bethlehem. Of course, the amazing thing is not the variety of ways in which you appear, but that you do, in fact, show up and say, “Aha.” Today, oh Lord, we are thankful for the sundry ways that you show up in churches all over the world, responding to the pleadings of people speaking in French, English, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Swahili, and all the tongues of those whom you claim as your beloved children.

Today, we celebrate your selection of us as your children, your adoption of us into your most holy family, your willingness to pick us for your team, regardless of status, skill, or social appeal. It is truly our desire to seek you and find you in everything we do, and yet, you still surprise us, and we love you for that…we love you for being a God who reaches out and makes us shriek with delight at having seen something new and amazing. Aha, we say when our feet land back on the ground.

At this time, we are also mindful of those who suffer from physical, emotional, or spiritual pain…we pray that those who are feeling broken, might be mended by you and find the aha in lasting moments of wholeness and healing.

It is at this table that we come to be nourished, to proclaim to the world and to one another that we are your children, that you have claimed us as your own, that we serve a Lord who has overthrown the powers of death and darkness and who calls upon us to live so that the principalities and powers no longer reign. May your kingdom be made manifest in our lives…the kingdom ushered in by the one we call the Christ, who taught all of us to pray saying…Our Father.


beck said...

shmalan, i like your prayer. it's nice and poetic and you should've used it despite the switch up. i also must say that that picture is freaking awwweeeesome. i hope all is swell.
much love and yellow butterflies, rebecca

mark said...

good stuff here alan..

you should carry this around in your pocket and the next time you are asked to pray at a meal, bust it out..

and i mean like in the middle of a resturant..stand up..break out the preacher voice


Alan Bancroft said...

Yeah...and I can keep that smallest handbell in my pocket and ring it while I pray. :)